Animal rights activists and bullfighting supporters protested outside the Congress of Mexico City amid the discussion of a citizen initiative to ban bullfighting in the capital. The Judiciary recently lifted the hold on the ruling that must be approved or rejected today by law.
The bullfighting supporters, including matadors and personalities from the Plaza de Toros Mexico, led the protest. The director of Plaza Mexico, Mario Zulaica, defended bullfighting in the capital along with the president of Mexican Bullfighting, Manuel Sescosse, who mentioned that it would be an injustice to take away bullfighting from them.
In contrast, bullfighting lawyer Cesar Cantoral announced the intention to promote an amparo in case the initiative to eliminate bullfighting is approved in the capital Congress. He stated they would seek to suspend the decision of the deputies so they can hear their voice and that they have the right to be protected.
Animal rights activists sought to close Congress at noon to pressure the deputies, especially those from Morena. However, the bullfighting supporters prevented the act and even attacked Green Party deputy, Jesús Sesma, with a bottle. In light of this situation, a recess was given in the ordinary session of Congress for the Political Coordination Board to find a solution to the ruling that includes the prohibition of bullfighting in the capital.
The Commission on Constitutional Points and Citizen Initiatives, chaired by deputy Daniela Álvarez Camacho, is scheduled to meet in the afternoon, where the animal rights ruling will be discussed and possibly approved, which will then go to a vote in the full Congress of the capital.